Assassin's creed black flag edward kenway download free
Assassin's creed black flag edward kenway download free


Applied Phlebotinum: Bartholomew Roberts' amazing real life success as a pirate (he was, arguably, the most successful of all time) is implied in the book to be the result of his using the Observatory to view the Templars and their schemes.He has to stave off thugs who beat him up, attack his family home and further torment from Caroline's Jerkass father. His marriage to a daughter of a wealthy businessman only makes it worse. All of the Other Reindeer: Edward can't go two minutes in his hometown without someone making fun of him for being poor, Welsh, a drunk and the son of a sheep farmer.He admits that his love for Caroline was enough that he actually quit drinking for a long time. It's explained that Edward's drinking problem is partly related to a lack of hope at finding opportunities beyond working at his father's farm. The Alcoholic: A Tragic Flaw for Edward, one which Caroline's father exploits willingly.He admits that what ruined his marriage wasn't Caroline's parents or her former suitor Mathew Hague but himself. Despite having a great stroke of luck in marrying a rich girl, loving parents and talent to turn things around if he chooses to, it's not enough for Edward who wants a fortune and to see the world. Ambition Is Evil: This is played through even more strongly in the book than in the game.Including adding a Templar-related plot which drove him to the Carribean. Most of which deals with Edward Kenway's childhood in Bristol. Adaptation Expansion: Like all of Oliver Bowden's adaptations, new material is added.Edward rarely kills people in the book yet has an epic duel with El Tiburon when, canonically, he just shot him. Adaptational Badass: Inverted, played straight, and otherwise toyed with.Specifically Chapter 3, which details Edward's first meeting with his wife Caroline. It also has canonical status, at least for the events that don't appear in the game itself, as per writer Darby McDevitt and in fact an excerpt from this book can be found in one of the hacked computer puzzles in the Present Day story of the Main Game at Abstergo Entertainment. The book is technically a prequel to Assassin's Creed : Forsaken, which first dealt with Edward's backstory.


In the brilliant new novel, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, discover the story of how Edward, a young privateer, became one of the world's most deadly pirates and was drawn into the centuries-old battle between the Templars and the Assassins. The Golden Age of Piracy - a time when greed, ambition and corruption overcomes all loyalties - and a brash young captain, Edward Kenway, is making his name known for being one of the greatest pirates of his time.


The novel focuses on the events of the game of the same name. Assassin's Creed: Black Flag is a novel written by Oliver Bowden, released in the UK on 7 November 2013 and the US on 26 November 2013.

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